I endured another monstrous travel day back from Europe on thursday and it feels great to be back. Yesterday was a perfect home coming gift of a mellow day in Davis chillin' with the BWB boy's and getting in a good ride on the WV State Championship course across the Camp 70 bridge. Good stuff as the course is super dry and fast with a couple much improved sections from years past. Pretty much the most rideable it's been since the early Canaan Mt. Series days.
Looks like I've got a low key weekend at home until the final blast of racing begins. I'm super psyched for the up coming schedule that includes the SMT100 for the first time ever! Need to think about getting my ducks in a row for that monster...
Enjoy the weekend on some dirt.
Duuuuuuuuuuuude where are you....we need to know whats goin on in the life of Nicoli.... come on man... i need my nick fix...
You rock bud. Come ride on some pavement or rail trails (there may be some dirt on them, or parts of them...I know there is some goose poo) up here in Motown. I've been riding my bike everyday, though not like you do my man!
Crank and Hammer!
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